Monday, February 1, 2016

Police Abusing Authority.......... again

The city of Ferguson is dealing with another issue that has stemmed from the Michael Brown shooting last august. Two reporters by the names of Ryan Reilly and Wesley Lowery were reporting the incidents last summer out of a Mcdonalds when they were detained by local police and have since been charged with trespassing and interference with a police officer.

What cause the whole issue was while the two reporters were inside the Mcdonald's when officers came and asked them to leave. Apparently they did not leave quick enough and while leaving one of them took out their cellphone and began recording on his cellphone. The officers improperly asked him to stop recording, the officers then became frustrated with how the reporters were acting and simply arrested at the mcdonalds. There was an outpouring of criticism for the police officers with News Guild Barrie Lunzer calling the charges "a gross abuse of power" and a "vile assault on the Amendment". The two reporters were simply trying to do their jobs and report the news which is their right but were denied that right by the St.Louis County police and now have to fight in court to regain that right. Here is an issue that is becoming more common across the United States where police continuously violate the First Amendment rights of Americans especially when it comes to the video taping of themselves or other police officers. Situations like these show that all across America right now people are dealing with First Amendment issues and it is the job of the public to make sure we express these rights that are so easily oppressed.

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